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Riders on the Storm

Posted on Sun Oct 11th, 2020 @ 7:10pm by Plexie El Plexuco & Station Services Melan Kholia & Security Johannah "Mack" Shepard & Alliance Alice LeMat

Mission: This Week's Special
Location: In the Black
Timeline: Day after Sizing up Station

The warm glow of Greenleaf's vibrant greens and blues reflected off the dark metallic sides of the private space yacht. Substantially smaller than a freighter but far larger than any shuttle or close orbit craft, the vessel looked as sleek and expensive as it actually was. A ship of the Core worlds, with all of its affluence, decadence and style. It slipped around the back side of the arboreal planet. Far ahead a set of distant lights marked its destination: The Skyplex.

The well manicured hands of the communications officer moved across the Cortex controls. "Sir, we are within visual range. Shall I announce our arrival?"

"Proceed. Let them know who we are and when we are arriving." the large man in the silk suit replied.

"Aye sir. Sending message." the communications officer stated as she quickly hailed the station. "Greenleaf Skyplex control, this is the yacht 'Sturdivant Harbinger' requesting docking clearance."

"Sturdivant Harbinger, this is Skyplex Control. Please send your registration information and manifest. You are not on our schedule."

"Copy that Skyplex Control, out flight plan is confidential. Registration documents are being transmitted now. This is the personal craft for General Buford T. Carnahan Jr., Minister of Parliament. You will prepare for our immediate docking." the officer demanded.

A shocked silence followed on the wave. "Understood Sturdivant Harbinger.... Your registration is confirmed and acknowledged. You are clear for immediate docking at pad 001."

"Please inform your administrator that Minister Carnahan looks forward to meeting them when we dock. ETA 12 minutes." the coms officer stated with a wicked smile.

"I hope their administrator wasn't taking a shower. Or maybe they will need one now." she stated to the master of the vessel.

"That should scare em real good. Bring us in." Minster Carnahan said with a sneer. "Monitor vessel activity for any ship leaving port during our docking. I will want registries and flight plans verified."

"Yes sir. We will make detailed records."


The technicians working dock control were in a bit of a panic. One sent a frantic wave to Scarlet. "Administrator we have an immediate docking situation from a Class One VIP. He is requesting your presence at Dock 001."

The flame-haired administrator looked surprisingly put together and professional compared to usual. She also seemed remarkably calm. "Understood. Clear and welcome them to the Skyplex. If you get any specific requests from them, wave me immediately. I'm on my way down."


Scarlet had been waiting anxiously for the last couple hours for the Minister's flight to arrive. It was exactly at the time Mehlan had suggested. It figured Core worlders would be anally prompt. She was ready. The account reports and files had been prepared and the select people aware of the visit had been putting their all into getting everything ready. She made her way out the arm of the docking ring towards Dock 001.

Pulling her Cortex out she sent a wave off to her Security Chief. "Mack, it's showtime. Ten minutes at Dock 001."


Out on patrol, Mack got the wave from Scarlett and replied immediately. "I'm on my way," she said. "There's a team on standby. We'll be in position in five minutes or less." She waved the team and told them to secure the dock and prepare the honor guard with Alice's deputies. Then she waved Alice.

"It's on, Alice," Mack said. "Whoever the VIP is, they'll be arriving at Dock 001 in less than ten minutes. I'll meet you there."


When Mack arrived at the dock, she had her people take up positions and walked over to stand next to Alice. She'd talked to him right after Scarlett had told her about the VIP. He hadn't known anything about the VIP either. They quickly came up with a Security plan, which they were were putting in place now.

"I hate that this hundan didn't tell you they were coming," Mack said. "I smell trouble. This is going to suck."

LeMat was in his signature black turtle neck shirt and slacks; shined boots and the black duster. He had shaved as the Inner World Marshals were expected to always be ready and look the part. He had heard from Mack what she is planning and the limited resources LeMat has will best lend into being a 'floating guard' for the 'shadowing of the party. With two deputies and a third guy that is more of an Unofficial Helper; his past was not shining but he does answer

"You really think they want us to know anything?" He chuckled. "I worked the inner systems for a while; the thing they call VIP out here is not nearly the same as inner systems." He shrugged. "Scarlett has a class act so I doubt we will have any real problems." He glanced to Mack. "You know we got your backs and I have that anatomy to be the showman." He smiled.

"We'll see," Mack replied. "Remember, I'm an ex-Browncoat. Yeah, I was pardoned, but there are a lot of politicians who don't do forgive and forget. Some of them believe that we're all scum and others just pander to the masses who hate us. Whoever this is might not take kindly to me being in charge of part of their security arrangements."

"They have me as Marshal, that might lend a bit to validate." LeMat added. "The one thing that any VIP must be careful of is not to alienate Scarlett; if they are coming here it has to be Political. They will want something; if Scarlett can give it we are solid and I do not see her dropping the ball at this point."

"She is pretty sharp... for a kid," Mack said. Mack caught a glimpse of Scarlett coming towards them. "Look sharp. Here comes the Boss."

Scarlet walked around the curving passenger way of the Docking ring. She knew the location of each berth by heart. The assembly of security officers and her senior staff brought a smile to her face. "Good morning everyone! Are we ready for the festivities to begin?" She walked up to Alice and Mack, "No information so far in regards to the scope of this visit, but they gave us a name. General Buford T. Carnahan Jr., Minister of Parliament. I did a quick sourcebox search on him. His Father was one of the most renowned strategists of the War. Apparently was the architect of the eventual fall of the Browncoats. Minister Carnahan here had quite the record himself on Verbena and Hera. Since then he has been chairing the Commerce Committee and sits on the Judicial Committee. Pretty high profile person. I gotta wonder what he wants with us."

Mack scowled. Carnahan was a butcher. He was filth. Back during the war and immediately after, Mack would have given her life for even just the opportunity to kill the man herself. Now... now she had to suffer the indignity of protecting the monster.

The soft click of high heels on the station floor signaled the arrival of Melan Kholia. She was wore a silky purple number and a pair of purple heels that seemed to almost subtly glow all on their own. "Ah, I see I am not late," she said giving the station administrator a tight smile. "Have docking procedures begun?"

"Yeah," Mack said. "They've begun. The piece of garbage you're about to do business with will be here any minute."

"Official Garbage, we must keep up appearances you know." LeMat grinned. " I know we all want this official Garbage over and gone but keep a smile it throws them off as they might think you are glad to see them?"

"Dào dìyù!" Mack said. "I may have to provide this guy with security, but I don't have to like it and I don't have to like him, or even pretend that I do!"

"I do believe that is a luxury you are afforded that some of us are not," Melan shot back coldly. "But as a matter of course a Minister could have you imprisoned if he felt threatened by you, or even said that he felt threatened. I'd smile and bear it like everyone else if I were you." Her tone was icy, yet the placid mask she wore seemed to maintain it's flawless veneer.

"You're his bed warmer, not his mouthpiece," Mack said. "So I don't really give tā mā de quánbù for your opinion on the matter. That bastard was responsible for the slaughter of a lot of good people. If you want to get on your knees for him, that's your business. I'll keep my dignity, thanks." Mack looked Melan directly in the eye. "I don't have a problem with Companions. I even contracted with a one here and there and been friendly with several others. But any Companion that would provide services to that tā mā de yīkuài gǒu shǐ... that's just a little too much for me accept. Still it's your business, not mine. As long as you don't endanger the Plex, I'm happy to stay out of your business, and I'll thank you to stay out of mine."

Mack really didn't have an issue with Companions. Most of the ones she'd encountered were nice enough. Polite and respectful, mostly, and understanding of others feelings. This one was clearly an exception to the rule. Tā mā de bit zi! Mack thought to herself. Mack took a breath and turned to Scarlett.

"I guarantee you he's not going to want me on this detail," Mack said. "But I don't work for the Alliance. I work for Greenleaf Skyplex. So I'm here until you tell me to go."

"Throttle the ire back a touch." LeMat touched her hand with a subtle lightness of a feather. "Do it for Scarlett and the PLex, just smile and keep him safe and he will likely be more to give me orders as a Marshal, he might want dress me down and leave you be?" LeMat winked. "Just don't speak unless spoken to."

"I may be a glorified bed warmer, but you are a glorified gun. We are both paid to do a job. Be an adult, do your tā mā de job, and shut up," Melan shot back. She was in a less than good mood. She fund waiting for her clients always stressful and something about the tone of the other annoyed her. She had the urge to spit a little acid before she had to play nice for a week. And it wasn't like she had any real choice. Refusing a high ranking client without a very good reason was quite taboo for a companion. "We both sell our bodies and if you were being honest with yourself you'd know it. If you think you have more dignity than me because you don't service your clients in the same way..." She shrugged.

Mack chuckled. "Yeah, we all just whore ourselves out in one way or another," she said. "For the record I don't think I'm better than you. But neither are you better than me. So stop trying to put me in whatever place you think I belong. Do your job, and I'll do mine. And when this debacle is over, you and I can sort out whatever differences you feel we have. Hell, maybe if you keep the bastard happy, he won't be a problem for me. And if he becomes a problem for you, a problem you can't handle yourself, let me or Marshal LeMat here know."

"It would not do anyone good to have two cats raising fur and hissing." LeMat pointed out and glanced to Melan. "Calm down you look ... very pleasing to the eys so I will give you the job of keeping him less interested in us ; totally you and Scarlett." He took Macks hand and gave a firm squeeze. "Very Important Person means don't piss them off, just let him rant and Scarlett will counter that is the game, we are only for show." HE winked and released her hand.

"Maybe," Mack said. "Maybe. But I have a really bad feeling about this." She shrugged. She looked over at Melan and stuck out her hand to be shaken. "Either way, there's no reason for you and I to be taking shots at each other. Johannah Mackensie Shepard. My friends call me Mack or Mackensie if they feel a powerful need to use a name with more than one syllable. No one calls me Johannah or any derivation thereof. Not anymore. Not ever."

"Miss Shepard," Melan replied gently taking the offered hand. "I am Melan Kholia." She released the hand. Her face tightened slightly. "Do not assume I do not regard your job highly. Without people like you the worlds would be far less safe for people like me. However it does not do to, as some would say, throw shade on a client before the job has even begun. If I do my job well, it is likely he will be very pleased with his lot in life and be less of a pain. If you do your job well, no one will be around to make sure I can't do my job."

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Kholia," Mack said. "And people like you make life out here much less dreary, even for people like me..." She grinned and winked. "More so when my accounts are flush." She looked over the dock again, and wished the crew would rush the docking procedures a bit. "Looks like they're almost done. I need a minute. I'll be back before he disembarks." Mack walked away from the group, out of earshot, and leaned her back and head against a bulkhead.She started doing some relaxing breathing exercises Song Wei, Xiulan's father, had tried teaching her. They were easy enough, and sometimes they even work.

Scarlet kept her mouth closed during the exchange. This was not looking good. Her chief of security had something personal going on. Scarlet wondered if whe had made the right decision on assigning Mack this task. She knew she had old wounds from the war, most people walking around did, but this seemed very personal. As Mack walked away from the gangplank area, Scarlet turned to follow. The ship was locking in all its moorings and begining to take power from the station. There wasn't much time. She steered close to Alice. "Keep an eye on things. I'll be right back."

Scarlet quickly followed after Mack and saw her leadning against the bulkhead. Scarlet had not seen her Security chief so emotionally compromised before. She walked up to Mack and placed a hand securely on her arm. "Do you know the minister?"

"Carnahan is a former Alliance officer," Mack said. "During the war, he was known not only for brutality, but for his treachery and mistreatment and abuse of prisoners of war. He not only gave permission for his soldiers to do as they pleased with Browncoat prisoners, he actively encouraged cruelty. There were no limits. Beatings, torture, rape... starvation if you were lucky. As I understand things, sometimes Carnahan joined in on the fun himself. And it wasn't just Browncoats he and his troops abused. They attacked civilian targets. And when it was all said and done, the Alliance pinned medals on his chest and he used his military record to launch his political career." Mack swallowed a lump that formed in her throat. "My unit was part of a raid on one of his prison camps. Some of mine were in the group of prisoners we'd hoped to liberate. I... it was... I can't even describe what we found, what was left of them. Even the ones that survived..." Mack regained her composure. "And when it was all over, the Alliance gave him a chest full of medals and he got himself elected to Parliament. If I could have gotten close to him back then, I'd have killed him, slowly. Very, very, slowly and painfully. And now I am going to be close enough to kill him, but I have to keep him alive. The Verse is an evil bitch, Scarlett. A truly evil bitch indeed. But the war's over, or so I'm told. So I'll do my job. I'll protect the bastard. I'll even do my best to treat him with the respect he certainly doesn't deserve by any stretch of any decent human being's imagination. But I won't pretend I like it."

"I understand. Much of what happened in the war was horrific, and those with enough money profited both monetarily and politically. But right now, politics has him in control. And as much as you have every reason to despise him, you are a representative of my staff and one of the most prominent faces of the Skyplex. What you do, and how you do it reflects on all of us, and this is one bastard that can make a bad reflection really hurt all of us. I trust you. I know you will do excellent work. But if this is going to be too much for you, let Alice handle it and get a replacement as a liaison to the minister. I don't want this to detrimentally affect you." Scarlett replied a look of true compassion in her eyes. The War had wrecked everyone. She wasn't going to let one of her key leaders get even more wrecked.

Mack set her jaw. "I'll do my job," she said. "I like my job. Carnahan doesn't get to take that from me."

Scarlett patted Mack's shoulder. "That sounds like my chief of security. Lets get back and deal with this thing."

Mack pushed herself off of the wall and walked back over to where Alice was standing and waited for Carnahan to arrive.

Scarlett followed Mack back to the berth gangway just as the internal airlocks began to cycle on the ship. The lights switched from red to green followed shortly by the hiss of pressurized atmo flushing through the hatch as it popped open. A sharply dressed woman walked out into the light of the station, followed by 6 purple bellies in well kept uniforms with light armor. The men fanned out in each direction, the woman walking forward and stopping 2 meters short of Scarlet and her 'welcoming committee.

Scarlet stepped forward closing the gap between herself and the woman. "Welcome to Greenleaf Skyplex. We are honored to..." The woman held up three fingers for her to remain silent and wait. Not the usual greeting for administrative visits. Scarlet's thought went back to other times that Federal troops had taken control of the station. The formation was very similar, although a smaller detachment than usually came in from a docked cruiser. Scarlet kept her expression leansant and passive, although the unorthodox exchange was concerning her. The troops proceeded a short distance before returning and forming up in two rows of three. "Area secure ma'am, I suggest we get the traveler to a secure location." The woman nodded.

"I am Major Black, security officer for Minister Carnahan. I am going to have to request that you belay any uncessary greetings until the Minister has arrived at a secure location." the woman stated with an icy authority.

Scarlett was a bit taken aback, but she knew to submit to Alliance orders. "Very well. I have a security detachment that will help escort the Minister." she motioned over to Mack and Alice.

"Mackensie Shepard, Major," Mack said. "Chief of Security. This is Marshal Alice LeMat. My constables and Marshal LeMat's deputies can escort your party to wherever it is on the Plex he's planning on staying. If he hasn't made prior arrangements, we have secure VIP quarters set up for him. Quarters for any of your security staff that will be staying on the station will be arranged for you."

During all of this Melan said nothing, she knew her presence would not go unnoticed, but she also knew better than to speak out of time when matters such as this were discussed. She would shift from her more outgoing side to a demure side with ease, as if simply switching masks.

LeMat knew when someone is a bit of a target; not unlike a Bounty on the run, and this guy of Importance is coming to the butt end of Space to the PLex with troops and will not do the Political greeting until he is safe, that set off alarms in his head.

He decided to have his deputies fan out a little more.

Major Black looked over Mack steely. "Very well. My guards will stay closest to the Minister, yours may fan out to provide additional cover. We have booked the Allaince Crowne Suite at the Tenzig Momo Resort. We will conduct formal introductions there once we are clear of this public dock facility." She quickly spoke something into her com. "Prepare Traveler. We are go in 30." she listened as her people responded. Her face frowned for a moment and looked around quickly her eyes landing on Melan. Major Black took three steps around Mack to stand in front of her. "Miss Kholia, I presume. The Minister requests you to accompany him as he transits." She did not wait for a response but returned to Mack and Alice. "Prepare your guards. We are moving in 20 seconds."

Scarlet stood wide-eyed watching the little spectacle playing out in front of her on her station. She understood VIP treatment, but this was a little too heavy handed. She wasn't event supposed to know this Minister was here until 10 minutes ago. Organized resistance seemed unlikely, not to mention irrelevant. Who cared about some commerce minister out here on the back end of the Black?

The hatch hissed open, a tall middle aged man with a surprisingly well fitting suit walked out the hatch flanked by two women in expensive looking professional outfits walking two steps behind him. As he approached his eyes looked across each of the people awaiting him. His eyes were stern, but it could not be said that he was not handsome. He had strong angular features that added to the gravitas that he carried himself with.

Major Black joined in step alongside him. "We are moving, sir." she stated.

As they approached Melan the minister stopped his entourage. "Ms. Kohlia, your beauty in person surpasses all expectation. Please join me."

"Your opulence leaves nothing to be desired," Melan replied bowing into a slight curtsy as she fell in line at his side, taking his elbow to allow him to guide. She gave Mack a pointed look, a reminder that both would have a job to do. She then turned her full attention to the Minister and smiled placidly at him as she followed his lead.

Scarlett watched as the little procession started on its way. She had little choice than to follow along. A purple belly soldier nudged her out of the inner layer of guards so that she was following several paces behind the main group. She rolled her eyes and looked for Mack and Alice.

Mack kept her expression neutral. She nodded to her people and they fell in with the procession as she notified the security center that the minister was on the move.

LeMat was keeping his distance for the moment; these Political guards used intimidation and stupidity of others to get their jobs done; he actually tire of it all but at first junction he would cut out and her ahead of the movement of the obvious target. Ordering his men to the destination he wanted quick but not direct path. Informed his deputies to not be tagged as they move.

"I getting ahead of the Problem Mack, pompous Politicians are boring targets so I will see you at the Hotel." LeMat informed his partner. "Have fun officially." He winked and seemed to fade into the background.

Great, Mack thought to herself. Go on Alice. Leave this hundan to me. I'll do my level best not to shoot him in the back the head and airlock him.

The minister walked along, unhurried by the security detail, carefully looking at the elegant woman on his elbow. He smiled charmingly. "Thank you for contracting with me. This has been a long journey and I am eager for conversation and perspective from one who is not a directly paid retainer." He said brushing off his flanking assistants. "Tell me what do you think of this Skyplex and how it is run?"

"I have found it to be a delight," Melan replied casually. She seemed to glide as much as walk beside him, many shorter steps rather than a large gait most walked with. "It has many people of many walks of life. Most not quite as grand as yourself, but they are a good people. I have found the station administration to be quite cordial, though I must admit my business seldom requires me to interact with them."

"Most interesting. Suppose you wanted to find someone on a station like this, who would I talk to? Someone that may not wish to be found?" the minister asked with a broad grin.

"I'm usually the one people are trying to contact," Melan replied with a slight smile. She was no middle man and she made it a point to avoid dealing with too many middle men.

Minister Caranhan smiled broadly, "Yes I have found it is frequently best to cut out the middle man, but sometimes you need people who know people, you see. How long have you been working out of the station?"

Scarlett walked along growing increasingly bored. This was turning into a group walk from the Dock to the Hotel. She literally did this every day, several times a day. She looked a the tight ring of purple bellies crowing around the Minister and his Companion. She was still no closer to knowing what this little visit was about. She looked over to Mack and her group of guards making a buffer between the Marshal's Deputies fanned out in front and the Minister's own guard at the center. Scarlett nudged her way over closer to Mack.

"You seeing anything that makes all this rigmaroll necessary?" she whispered to her Security Chief.

"No," Mack replied. "But Carnahan has many enemies out here. A lot of ex-Browncoats would love to put a bullet in him and anyone associated with him. Since it seems to fall on me to keep the yīkuài wū wù (piece of filth) safe, I suppose I'll have to be vigilant."

LeMat paralleled the route and with his coat open he watched his own back as taking out a protector; especially a Marshal, would be a kick to someone. He did not like this; he had smell a stink about all this and the parade of sorts was both a show of his importance and a calling of those stupid enough to jump the gun and come out early. He was calling someone out or announcing he was getting close; no fool would do this without a Motive. LeMat would look into this guy through the Marshal's unofficial channels and see why someone like him is here, his Bounty Hunter warnings were sounding off?

One thing was for certain, the little parade was creating a spectacle. Citizens, shopkeepers and spacers all stopped to watch as the wave of security people cleared the way and the tight little clustered moved through. Many held out cortex units relaying the odd little procession to their friends and family. Any desire for anonymity went out the window. While folks might not know who was in the little cluster, in a short period, technology and over eager busybodies would know and soon everyone else.

The procession made their way into the lifts and when they emerged on Deck 2 a crowd of onlookers was already gawking at whoever might be on their station. Rumors started to spread across the Cortex. Everything from rock stars to debutante celebrities was quickly circulating. Many people showed up to just been in the shadow of celebrity. Alice and Mack could both tell the situation was getting out of hand. Scarlett, while not an expert on security matters, knew the behaviors of her people and what they were thinking. Not likely to turn ugly, but getting to the Tensing Momo Hotel was going to get crowded

Sure enough, as the lift doors open the ccrowd surged forward. flashes from recording devices went off in rapid succession. "Control these people!" Major Black shouted to Mack. The minister breifly surveyed the crowd before moving out of the lift as his purple bellies formed a wedge to push their way through.

Mack muttered something Chinese and unflattering and then motioned to her people to try and keep the crowd back. She turned off her mic for a moment and motioned for Alice to do the same. Once she was sure Major Hundan couldn't hear over the crowd noise, she spoke. "Get the Very Important Piece of Shitte to his hotel. My people will keep the crowd back. Most of these folks look like they want an autograph, which sickens me, but I'm seeing a few people from my side of the war out there, too. I'm guessing they don't see your deputies any different than they do Major Black's purple bellies. Best get all of the feds out of the line of fire, you included. Bonus for me is, I get to spend less time with Carnahan."

The crowd was indeed more like groupies than a mob, but the purple belly presence was disturbing to some. A few of the crowd apparently recognized who the entourage was covering and quickly turned and moved to the outside of the crowd, grabbing others to do the same. Lead by station security the arrowhead of purple bellies quickly moved towards the Hotel entrance. Shouting began in the crowd, and something was thrown toward the entourage. The celebrity gawkers not at the front began to clear out as agitation grew.

For her part, Melan kept her head down and stayed at her clients arm. Part of her contract was to handle such events and her security was to be ensured byt the client. It would not do to flee on her own, she'd be taking her security into her own hands and she had already been seen on his arm. If the crowd got truly vicious, she would be a target. So she clung to his arm and went where he went. She would survive this.

Mack was spared the moral conundrum of deciding whether to jump in between Carnahan and the thrown object by the fact that the purple bellies were keeping her away as much as the crowd. She sighed. Why couldn't anything ever be easy? If they were dirtside, she could fire a round off and get people's attention. But they were in a giant metal can floating in space. If she fired off a round, it might just ricochet around and hit an innocent bystander.

"That tears it," Mack said to Alice. "Take him through the back corridors. I had them cleared with a little help from an influential friend just in case we needed them. I'll wave ahead and make sure your path is clear to the hotel and I'll keep this crowd back. Sergeant Chang! Bring me that gorram megaphone! Alice, I'm serious! Get the Hells out of here!"

Major Black certainly picked up on the cue. "Get the Traveler out of here. Move people move!" she shouted, the purple bellies turning off towards the cooridor Mack indicated. Several bystanders were unceremoniously muscled out of the way, but no real harm befell the crowd.
The Minister, his companion and staff quickly made their way into the side entrance for the Tenzig Momo Resort and Spa.


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