The Sim
Deck One: Residential and Hospitality Ring.
The outer habitation ring is leased out to different Hospitality business for their clients and guests. Ring Suites have panoramic views of Greenleaf and the highest levels of accommodations. The residential apartments are for permanent Skyplex residents. Apartments are roomy and have most modern services. A school complex has been set up for our younger residents.
Notable locations:
- The Tenzing Momo Spa and Hotel occupies a healthy section of decks two and three. The lobby and spa are part of the Retail Bazare on Deck Two, but most suites and guest rooms are located on the outer sections of Deck One.
- Alliance Hostel. Cheap accommodations for those not wanting to be noticed, and don't really want to live there.
Deck Two: Retail Bazare
Everything you could need from medical supplies to waving cat statues can be found in the retail shops. Many shops are also located on decks one through four.
Notable locations:
- Amoeba Wave Store (Sandra Siang, proprietor).
- Ms. Lacy's Unmentionables (Katherine Lacy, proprietor).
- JP's Beauty and Apparel
- Tenzing Momo Hotel & Spa.
- Morris Pawn & Consignment
- Emerald Starcade (latest electronic entertainments for the kids. Plexie hang out.)
Pharmacuticals & Medical supplies
- Greenleaf Holistic Center
- R&R Chemist
- Healthy You II
- Universal Products & Supply

Weapons Dealers
- Big Damn Hero, Surplus & Supplies - The brown don't run. Everything you need to start your own little insurrection.
- Mr. Ammo - Specializing in exotic ammo loads and bulk orders.
- Chang's Gunarama - Consignment House. Few questions asked.
- Boom House - Specializing in high caliber guns and things that go Boom.
- Peacekeeper Guns & Ammo - Name brand never used, out of the box weapons & Ammo.
- Rim Rats Surplus - U-War scavengers with lots of memorabilia. Oh yeah, Guns too. Cash Only.
- Mallory's Family Goods - Bargain Groceries, dry goods and necessary items for the whole family.
- The Sporting Man - Specializing in high end things that make men men.
Deck Three: The Hub.
This central facility contains most of our food services as well as public and private meeting areas to accommodate trade and business. It has been landscaped with different plant species from Greenleaf to create a more soothing nature feel for our guests. Notable locations:
- Furror's Pub (Dolph Heidler, NPC Proprietor)
- Lein Chi Fooditeria.
- FedAlliMail
- Donut Czar Us. Plexie hangout.
- Arboream
- Broken Yolk
- Chen's Continental Eatery
- Los Panchos
- Clay Pigeons. Specializing in cuisines of the outer rim Independent Memorabilia. Plexie Hangout
- Laotze's Shinon Barbecue
- Al's Pancake World

Deck Four: Docking Ring
This ring holds universal docking and coupling facilities for most small to mid range freighters. The central section of the ring holds ship repair and maintenance services. The Dockmaster's office is here to process new arrivals
- Buford's Ship Repair
- Greenleaf Dock Supply
- Unified Hull & Engine Works
Deck Five: Sporting Zone.
Deck five is restricted access for adults only. Here are a variety of casinos and track clubs for your gambling enjoyment. There are eight saloons and several clubs catering to the individual interests of their clients. Here is also the local Mission Temple. This is used for the relaxation and re-invigoration of tired crews looking to get a little trim to their course after long weeks in the black. Staff are guild trained but available at non-guild rates.

Notable locations:
- Lucky 38 Casino
- The Golden Paradise Casino
- Phatasm Fettish Nightclub
- Blessed Unity Mission Temple
- Blue Parrot Spirits and Public House
Deck Six: Administration/Jail/Sick Bay
Here is the Marshall's office, jail and sick bay. If you are in trouble one way or the other you will likely end up here.
Deck 7-15: Warehouses
This vast warehouse section holds goods going in and out on local freighters. Often this area is used for more clandestine business dealings.
Notable locations:
- Land of Storage on decks 7-9, offering short and long term storage for anything you might need stored. 24 hour access.
Deck 16: Large Vessel Docking
Mega Haulers and over-sized vessels use these exclusive docking facilities to offload bulk goods to the warehouse section. Normal commercial flights may not dock here.