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Wearing thin

Posted on Sat Jul 25th, 2020 @ 11:38pm by Civilian Xiulan Song & Plexie Zane Ryan & Black Market Arturo Rosso

Mission: This Week's Special
Location: Medical Center Deck 6
Timeline: Midday

"It's that special day!!!!" proclaimed the overly cheerful nurse that entered Zane's room. Zane sat in the bed, same as everyday for the last two weeks. His response to the nurse's upbeat attitude was silence. He scowled. "Don't be like that, today the technicians have your new prosthetic ready! You get to try out your new leg!"

"It's not my leg. It's a tool. Something to help me seem more normal to everyone else." he stated in a glum tone.

"Well then, the new normal starts today! They should be ready for fitting you in a few minutes." she said deflecting his depressive demeanor.

"Fine. I need to make a call." Zane stated bluntly.

"I can notify your parents if you like." the nurse said moving towards the cortex receiver.

Rolling his eyes he cut her off. "No. This is a personal all. Just come and get me with the dumb thing is here."

Zane called up the information for Xiulans account and started a wave. "Hey. Uh yeah Zane here... Zane Ryan, in the hospital. Yeah the thing arrived. I'd like it if you could help me with getting used to it or whatever. Come if you can, you know, if you want to." he sent the Wave.

Xiulan was in her newly acquired rental space for her yet-to-be-named martial arts school, clearing out junk the last tenants had left there when she heard a chirp from her mobile device. Fishing the device out of her pocket, she listened to the message and grinned; Arturo Rosso was cleaning along side her and after telling him where she was going and what she planned to do, she left the clean up to him and headed out to meet Zane at the medical center. She arrived in short order and announced her presence by tapping her folded cane against the door frame, then entered the room as she pocketed the cane.

"Hey kid, ready to be mobile again?" Xiulan said with a grin.

Zane's face immediately brightened, even if he tried hard not to show it. "Beats sitting around in here I guess."

The ever so cheerful nurse stepped into the room. "Oh my you have a little visitor. The technicians are ready, we just need to wheel you over to the lab. I suppose your friend can come too."

Zane flipped his finger at her as she turned about. "Let's get this over with."

The nurse brought a wheelchair around for Zane. "You will need to learn to use crutches too when you leg isn't attached."

"It's not my leg." Zane said coldly.

Xiulan gave his ear a flick, not too hard, but enough that he'd probably flinch. "Hey, be nice, she's just tryna help," she scolded playfully, but then offered arm to support him as he got into the chair. "Try to relax, let them do what they gotta do, you ain't gotta bite back at them."

"Hey!" Zane reacted to the surprise of getting his ear flicked. He surrendered and took Xiulan's arm as she and the nurse got him into the wheelchair. "Fine. I'll behave." he remarked not really sure if he meant it. All of this was just folks trying to put a bandaid on his disfiguration to make him seem more like everyone else. He was broken. He knew it, but everyone kept playing with him to make him think his life was ever going to be normal.

The nurse wheeled Zane into the corridor. Zane reached out to grab Xiulan's hand.

The prosthetics lab was several meters down the labyrinth of bays, patient rooms and nursing stations. Upon arrival one of the technicians wearing an oversized pair of goggles looked over at him. "Ah good, the Ryan boy. Have we got a treat for you."

"Ta de me." Zane said under his breath. The Technician pulled a blanket back that had been covering the device he was seeking. "Here we go, isn't she a beauty. Advanced engineering for a snug fit and responsive sensors to muscle movement in your... well it will move from you just thinking about moving your leg. It will take a bit getting used to, but with some practice, you will be getting around all over the station. " The leg was streamlined, fashioned from metal, carbon fiber and plastic. An abomination of a human leg, but apparently with multiple joints for easier movement. Zane flinched looking at it.

Xiulan allowed him a moment to process what he was seeing, but eventually she stepped forward to touch the prosthetic, feeling the smooth surface and sleek curves. "Remember, it's not a replacement for what you lost, just a tool to help you get around," she said softly as she lifted the device and held it out towards Zane; she wouldn't force the prosthetic on him, he had to accept it and put it on himself.

"... a tool. Just a tool." Zane repeated the mantra to himself as the technician brought the leg over.

"It's designed to exactly to your leg. It's water proof, not saying you should bathe with it on, but its wont damage it if you do get it wet. Now I've got a big text document to send to you about how to care for it and other important information, but let's just try this on and see how it feels.

"Fine. Put it on." Zane commanded.

"You gotta learn to get in and out of it yourself, and no better time to learn than right now. Just slip the cuff over your leg and tap the green button on the side here."

Zane awkwardly took hold of the device. It was lighter than he expected it to be. He turned it facing forward and squeamishly inserted his stump into the cuff. He reached over and touched the green button as instructed. Immediately the cuff began to tighten and conform to the surface of his stump. "Woah." Zane exclaimed as he felt the sensation of it fitting itself to him. "This is bizarre." He flinched a little, causing the leg to shoot forward at the knee, skimming the technician's leg.

"That's great. You are already working it. Now its gonna feel a little weird to start with. Just think about how you used to use your leg, and the prosthetic will mimic the movement." The Technician instructed.

The prosthetic fired into a bunch of spastic movements as Zane sat staring at it. "I don't feel anything."

"Here, try standing," Xiulan offered, holding out her hands for him to take to help him out of the chair. "Ignore the prosthetic, just focus on your good leg, and here we go!" she said as she gently pulled him out of the chair to stand. She could hear the prosthetic moving and assumed it was reacting as the technician said it would, but she could feel the way that Zane held onto her hands that he was balancing on his good leg. "There, now ease your weight onto the prosthetic, just a little at a time to get used to the feel of it. And don't force it if it hurts," she instructed, keeping her voice low to help Zane maintain his calm.

Zane tenderly put his weight onto the prosthetic. It held. for a moment he was standing. He shoved his hip forward to push the leg outward and walk, the movement did not move the leg the way he planned and he lost his balance and collapsed to the floor. "Gorram it!" he shouted struggling to right himself with the mechanical device.

"Thant's good, you had it for a minute. You gotta think like its a real leg, and move it with the muscles you used to walk. Here let's get you up." the technician stated reaching out a hand.

Zane tried to grasp it, but couldn't get the new leg under himself in a way he could push himself up. He pressed to get himself up and crashed to the floor again.

"Leave it," Xiulan said in a surly tone to the technician, waving off his hand when she felt him trying to help Zane up; she didn't mean to be so hard on the tech guy, but right now Zane couldn't process the perceived beauty of the device and how it operated, he needed support from someone who could understand all his raw emotions. With an arm under Zane's shoulder, she was able to hoist him back into his chair where he could safely regain his footing.

"Sometimes you gotta fall, and that's okay; it's all about how you get back up," Xiulan said to Zanein a reassuring tone, then she again took his hands and helped him back to his feet. "Hold tight to me, forget the leg and just follow my voice," she said, then waited for him to feel steady on his feet. "Put all your weight on the prosthetic and lean on me if you have to, then take a step with your good leg... Good," she continued calmly as he followed her instructions, their hands still clasped as she held him steady. "Now come forward a little to shift the weight.... excellent, now don't think about the leg, just take a step like you've always done." She didn't expect much more than for him to be able to bring the prosthetic up to level with his good leg, but his victories would likely come in the form of baby steps for now.

Zane looked at Xiulan sideways for a minute but accepted her hand to help him up. This was a bit harder than he imagined. It didn't just strap on and act like a leg. But it kind of did. just not well. He sighed as Xiulan instructed him forward. He tried to make the leg move. It bobbled. He stopped. Listening to her voice, he tried to just move. Walk like he always did. Suddenly he had all his weight on the stump. Still standing that was good. He shifted back to his good leg. Easier, but it still felt weird. As he stepped back to the left again, the fake knee buckled. "Gorram It!" he shouted along with a string of profanity. Still he kept his balance on the good leg, his arms flailing to keep himself upright. Once back on his good leg he stood and closed his eyes. "This is hard. I'm tired." The Technician started wheeling the chair over to him.

"Hey, you stayed upright this time, not bad," Xiulan said approvingly as she helped ease Zane into his chair. "If you're sure you're done for now, we can head out; I did promise you some barbecue..." she offered, grinning.

Just as Xiulan got Zane into his chair again, a woman rushed into the room follow closely by the over eager nurse. "Oh my God Zane! I just heard form the nurse you were trying your new leg out. Your father and I wanted to be here to see. He of course had to work, but I got someone to cover my sift and ran right here. Have you tried it yet? Can I see it?"

Zane shrank in his chair with the barrage of questions. "Geez mom, I tried it, it's hard."

"Well can we do anything to make it work better, move easier or something?" his mother asked the medical staff in the room.

The Technician calmly responded. "Your son has got a long road to recovery ahead of him. He made some good first steps but his biggest obstacle is going to be himself. He has to keep at it. We have him set for physical therapy three days a week, but he will need to keep the leg on and use it as often as possible."

"Three days a week! Is that enough? I can take time off from the restaurant. Can you send someone around more frequently?" she replied anxiously. "Do you have his first steps recorded. I would like to wave his Grandparents."

Zane let his hand slowly slide over his face and he wished to quietly die.

Xiulan stood there blinking rapidly in stunned surprise as this whirlwind of a woman came in and got Zane all flustered. "He didn't make any proper steps today, but it's just his first try and it's gonna take time for him to get used to it all," Xiulan chimed in once she regained her senses, hoping to take some of the focus off of Zane. "Still, he did good and I promised him a meal at Sihnon's Barbecue as a reward, and it'd be good to talk to you both about how I'd like to help him adapt."

Jennifer Ryan looked at the younger woman speaking to her. She wasn't in scrubs or a medical uniform. "I'm sorry who are you?"

"Xiulan Song," the young blind woman introduced herself. "My sister rescued Zane and then told me about his injuries; I have experience with rehabilitating muscle injuries, admittedly nothing as bad as amputation, but I also know the frustration of living in a reality that don't understand disabilities, so I came to help him out," Xiulan explained. Normally, she wouldn't give even that much detail about her motives, but there was something about this woman's attitude that rubbed her the wrong way, though she did her best not so show any irritation.

"It's cool mom. She's my friend. She... gets this." Zane said tapping his hand on his stump leg still in the prosthetic.

Jennifer nodded. "I see. Very well, what are you planning to do to help my son?"

"Uh, assist him through his therapy, be a friend and moral support kinda thing I guess?" Xiulan replied warily, still uncertain about how to process this woman. "I, uh, also have a surprise for him I wanted to show him on the way to dinner, sooo.... Zane, you ready to go, or do you think you can try to take a step for your mom?" she continued, turning her attention to the kid. "It's okay to say you're done for the day; won't do no good to make yourself frustrated if you try to force it," she then assured him.

Jennifer weighed the information she had been receiving since arriving at the room. This girl, whatever she could do was easier than getting a private therapist on days where he didnt have a scheduled appointment, and the Technician did say he was to work with the leg as much as possible. "I suppose we can certainly try it out. Speaking of dinner, as your sister saved my child and you are helping so much, can I bring you all to the restaurant I work at? I would like to say thank you, especially to your sister."

Zane rolled his eyes. "Its cool mom, we were just going to get out of here for a change and get some real food for a change."

"I know honey, but It's important that our family pays back those who do us a kindness. A trait you as a Ryan need to pick up." Jennifer replied.

"Or he could pay it forward; that's actually what I'm doing now, helping him 'cause someone was nice enough to help me," Xiulan said, reaching into her coat pocket for her cane and flicked it open. "And Mack and I would never turn down an offer of a meal, so I'll let her know you wanna show your thanks. But for today, I promised Zane all he can eat barbecue, mainly to cheer him up but also the boost in protein will help rebuild those damaged muscles. Ah, with a quick detour for my surprise..." Xiulan teased with a grin as she headed for the door.

Jennifer Ryan gave Xiulan a blank expression as she resigned herself to the fact that her son would likely go with the girl anyways no matter what he said. "Ok Zane, but try not to extert yourself too much, you've had an eventful day."

"I'll be fine mom, I gotta check back in here anyways for observation. Zane quipped back at his mother.

She looked to the nurse on duty. The woman just shrugged as tacit permission that he could be conditionally released. "It would be good for him to see a different environment since he has been cooped up here for a few weeks. We can allow it. But he would need to be back by 8:30." Zane didn't know when the nurse became his mother, but he was willing to work with it.

"Let's go." Zane said to Xiulan with a spark of enthusiasm.


Meanwhile, at the heretofore (and still) unnamed dojo of Shifu Xiulan Song and Maestro Arturo Rosso...

Arturo had finished cleaning up and was killing time until Xiulan arrived by free flowing with his Cuteddu Ammanicatu, a narrow, stiletto-like, folding knife with a blade around 10 inches long. Since it was a folding knife, the 'handle' was an inch or two longer than that. He was lost in the footwork and body mechanics and short of someone robbing the place, probably wouldn't have noticed a customer coming in.

Then along came the familiar tap tap tap of Xiulan's cane, and she rounded the corner with Zane in his chair in tow. Xiulan was starting to become nervous; would Zane think this was cool and join their dojo, or would she simply end up being embarrassed?

"So, I know I've been talking about helping you and I ain't given you any details on that," Xiulan admitted as they moved through the concourse of shops. "Truth is, what I wanna show is part of that. See, me and my partner just signed the lease for some space and we want to build a school, and... I was kinda hoping you would be our first student," she explained just as they came to the newly rented space, now clean and with Arturo on full display practicing his knifework.

Zane steered the chair a bit more awkwardly than the blind girl he was following. The girl had skill with her condition. He followed along as best as he could. The concourse was busy as usual, but nowhere as packed as it had been before his stay at the Medical center. At the mention of school he frowned. That's what this was about? He was confused. "Uh, I'm like almost ready to take my graduation exams from the education center. I wasn't looking for more school." he said in a deflated tone. Then they steered into the designated space Xiulan was leading him to where he came upon some sort of character from a romance novel playing with a knife. "What kind of school did you say this was?"

"A school of martial arts," Xiulan replied simply as she folded her cane. "Arturo, come meet Zane," she called out as she stepped into the rented space, trusting that Arturo had cleaned enough that the way was clear for her.

Arturo didn't exactly jump out of his skin, but he was startled and as such spun around to face Xiulan in a fighting stance, blade at the ready. Then he let out a breath. "Scuse, Orchidea," he said, a bit sheepishly. He folded his knife and slipped it into the case slung horizontally across the back of his belt. He held his hand out to Zane. "Ciao, Zane," Arturo said. "It is a pleasure to meet you. As Xiulan said, I am Arturo, her partner in this venture, and if I may be so bold, her friend as well."

Martial arts, that certainly sounded better than normal school. His interest piques up. "'Sup." he responded to Arturo. "So what all do you teach? And I can barely stand, not sure how good a student I could be for you. I ain't winning no matches certainly."

Arturo smiled. "We teach you to master both your body and your mind," he said. "And we will teach you to protect yourself and those you care for. If you are willing to put in the work. There will be good days and bad days, exciting days and boring days, but if you put in the time, you will see results."

Xiulan nodded in agreement. "If this is something you want, then we can help you conquer your fears so that you never have to feel helpless ever again, but only if you are truly committed it. You can give it a try while you go through your physical therapy, and if it's not for you then no harm done," she offered the lad. But she had a feeling that he was going to love studying with them.

Zane thought of himself, unable to move bleeding out in the lair of the cat beast. He looked down at his fake appendage, tool, it was a tool. He was helpless. If Xiulan and the italian trubador decided to rob him or beat him, he couldn't do anything except be thrashed to death by a overfluffed dandy and a blind girl. Not that his reputation could get much worse at this point. "I would like to not be useless. If you can get me to do anything, that would be appreciated. So yeah. What do I have to do?" he said looking sheepish and lost.

Xiulan grinned, practically from ear to ear: SUCCESS! "For now, all you need to do is focus on your therapy and getting stronger," Xiulan assured him, resting a hand on his shoulder. "If you want the company throughout your physical therapy, we can be there with you to help, and when you're not in therapy then you'll come here. We'll help you with any schoolwork in preparation for your final exams, and then we can start building the foundations for the self-discipline aspects of martial arts, aspects that don't require any physicality, starting with meditation to help increase self-awareness."

Zane's eyes began to gloss over a bit on the meditation bit. His mom used to try and make him do that. Centering and light as a feather garbage. But he would give it a chance. "So y'all gonna teach me to beat people with my leg?" he said with a smart alec smile.

"Uh, hells yes!" Xiulan declared, then chuckled. "I haven't checked the specs on it yet, but them things are tough! With the right training, you could be unstoppable," she said.

Arturo nodded to himself. The training would be fun, yes, but it would also be hard, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Arturo wasn't just going to teach the Zane to hurt or possibly kill people until the boy proved he was capable of using that knowledge responsibly. But that would come up later. Arturo would go slowly, but give him the benefit of the doubt. He laughed.

"I think Zane might want to master moving around comfortably and with stably on his leg before you teach him to take it off and beat people with it," Arturo said, a grin on his face.

Zane gave the Arturo a quzical wince. He was right. But Zane like the notion of being able to 'stand' on his own against anyone that came against him. Not dependant, not broken, not helpless. He liked that notion a lot. Maybe Nat would not find him as repulsive. "Good. when do we start?"

Arturo smiled. "I'm not sure how Xiulan feels," he said. "But I can start whenever you have time, as long as I'm not on duty at the Lucky 38. Mind you, we're going to start slowly. But I'll make sure to give you a good balance of theory, practice drills, and practical applications."

"Yeah, we can start with meditation and theory as soon as you want, tomorrow even," Xiulan affirmed. "The physical aspects will be dependent on your progress through physical therapy, and you can come around anytime if you just want help or practice with walking, and once you're starting to gain some control, then we can start on forms and light drills. When you're finally steady on your feet, then there will be no holding back, we'll push you as hard as any person with the legs they were born with."

Zane nodded. "Ok let's do it. I think the Medical Center is having me get physical therapy or whatever three times a week. If you can get me upright faster, I'll make sure my mom gets me here everyday. IF that's cool."

"That's cool with me, kid," Xiulan said with a grin, then snapped her cane open once again. "'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step', and tonight we celebrate that first step." Zane's first step, Xiulan and Arturo's first steps as teachers, there was much worth celebrating at the Sihnon Barbecue tonight, and hopefully there would be more celebratory worthy events in the days to come.


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