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Writing the report

Posted on Wed Jun 17th, 2020 @ 8:33am by Alliance Alice LeMat

Mission: This Week's Special
Location: Marshal Office
Timeline: Early morning


The fact that LeMat had to go down to the Lower Levels to show some force might ruffle a few feathers; he would add that to the report, but the fact that he had heard rumors of there being some new 'traffic' coming through the Plex sparked him to thinking; if the people who wanted to use the Plex as a place of business and the shadows always made for a fine place to do business one wants unseen. Then make it a little more difficult to do that business; while not causing too much trouble, would just contain the real bad stuff in the hands of more professionals. The 'Look-outs' last night were young an dumb; out for some fast money. Lay about the shadows; make a few notes and report. If they had done the same in school they have gotten the grades to advance and make something of themselves.

In the report he would forward to both Scarlett and Mackenzie would state that he had fired non-lethal bullets to scare them; they were hidden and watching the Security Measures; now that they were themselves attacked it might show that the Law might have more brains than first thought. It was just Nature of the Criminal, hide and observe, make sure things are clear and then when all is safe make a job. Now that little 'cubby' for illegal activity was blown; the business the kids had been sent to keep tabs as a safe place will report it is not safe and not know who did it?

His report is the simple fact that inbetween shifts; the best time if known to the criminals, to make a move upon a clear place not to be disturbed was not as safe. There would be alternate places; all this did was slow the process. In Criminal mindset 'Time is Money' and any delay in time is a cut price in profit. Also; having done this from the shadows the ones who sent the scouts are unsure of who set this up? Where and why was the sniper there? Who hired the gun? Just a little bit of agitation to spark more caution; slow up the works they had thought easy, and not have a finger pointed.

The report would state how that little section would be crime free for a few days; a week on the outside, before they started tentatively trying it again. It was a success as it had not been tried before and LeMat had no intentions of doing it again anytime soon. The 'Scare Tactic' was just that, scare any low-budget perpetrator that might hire kids to do the work. This is the ploy for a new business; one that does not know the lay of the station nor the players that are reliable. Using the kids is not only cheap but unprofessional; they hide in the more obvious places and the reports will be ;like the homework assignments, enough to say what is asked and nothing more.

The report had the description of the youth involved; the location and the results. Also the two actually shot will be heading to medical so sending a Wave to the doctors might give some leads to follow. He had not brought the Recording gear; this is not a bust, but a first action to let it be known the Plex is not an easy place to do business. The more established cartels and 'Families' would have had people better hidden or the proper schedules in hand. It does not matter how well it is planned; not all crime will be scared off; what LeMat wants is to just contain it. Making it a little more difficult will filter out the 'Budget and beginners' from getting a foot hold. Last night had to be a new band of hoods as the use of kids and lack of professionalism used. This new group did not have the finer class of the cartels on the Plex; it was someone sniffing out what kind of resistance is here.

LeMat summarized his report by pointing out the amateur way this was done and how it shows new 'business' trying to take a foot hold on the Plex. LeMat would have to ask Mackenzie if there are any 'snitches' that are worth the bribe to get information? He will not put that in the report but bring it up to her later.

LeMat sent the report and then sat as he waited for his appointment with his friend at the range.



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