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There is a kick, not in the head

Posted on Thu May 21st, 2020 @ 4:00am by Alliance Alice LeMat

Mission: Bright and Shiny things
Location: Plex level
Timeline: Concurrent


The Plex level of the station was bustleing like a city; not as fresh air but one has to take the good with the bad in a way. LeMat was walking the decks trying to find the section with his new housing and Office. He had to get to know this place anyway and he refused to be soe tourist with a map in hand; anything larger than small pad size, which makes him as though looking for something rather than lost… sort of.

He had to fight the smell of food; the parking and getting to the place came first; the chow lines will not go away in the time it takes to get his Sack out spot arranged. He was looking about the crowd; long coats and hoodies mixed with bare heads and hats galore. This is going to be a more profitable venture; he could feel it just in the stale air scented with meats, noodles and Scumbags just hiding out of sight. This is a city of sorts; a place to mingle and plan the next move, which also made them a bit more desperate while planning and hoping for a way out. He could work with that. Laying low is not what perps do best; they like motion and staying a step ahead of men; or women, like LeMat.

Looking for the section he noticed a hat with brim folded on sides under a hoodie and long coat, it could not be that easy, Putting map away LeMat moved closer as though he might check the posted over head menu while taking note of the crowd in line. A fine hat with folding the edges is a form of abuse for a Haberdasher’s trade. He glanced at the man four people back and made eye contact; facial recognition; that little worm had doubled back and ended up here.

“Pansy...” Lemat smiled grimly.

“Oh Damn….” All five foot eight of him took off.

“Too close this time.” LeMat dashed right after the Bounty; not the highest paying one but still some money in the coffers once taken down.

One thing about having less intimidating height and stature is having to dodge people; lower to the deck did give some cover, but LeMat could track like a hound and this range on the same deck made it easier. Just watch the slight ebb of the people and a little hooded rat moving between people where with the duster and determination it was easier for him as people moved to let him pass.

LeMat was running and had to turn sideways to get between two people; a couple giving eyes to one another but luckily not holding hands. LeMat was past them almost like a blur.

“Carry On...” He said quickly in passing without glancing back.

His prey was not making ground and neither was LeMat, he kept pace but where the smaller frame could pass between people LeMat did have to use the outer left side to make progress. The next open section had tables in a cafe like setting; the fink decided to cut through the tables as they were on the right side and made LeMat run a little harder around the outer edge. The Perp half tackled people and pushed them aside while focusing his way through. More3 than one tray of food flew as the Littler man had thought this a way to gain ground. Bursting out into the small open walkway opposite the dining area. LeMat taking a longer but less impeded route about the edge.

Crossing again the Perp had to think of a place to gain ground; he noticed something to his left; LeMat saw the angle of the hat pointing and adjusted his own progression.

The little worm was quick; LeMat would give him that as the pest took a turn to a set of steps going down. That was his mistake, LeMat had good balance and the banister was just right to make advancing easier. He landed not two seconds behind his quarry. This level a bit less crowded, the little guy was heading to a connection corridor and it was not so many in it.

Sliding to a halt the left Shoulder rig gave him the special gun with bottom custom barrel. LeMat took a shooting stance as he thumbed the mechanical switch. Taking a bead on his target as the man advanced towards the other end of the corridor. Not even looking back over his shoulder as LeMat took careful aim.

“One...” The steps were pushing him farther along with haste. “Two...” Being at a full run and panicing he glance over his shoulder and noted LeMat standing still with a long barrel, making the perp stumble a step or two. “Three...”

A ten Gauge is noisy, the reverberating echo sounded and the right leg of the perp resembled a Kicker in an old sports game; rising up in the air it took him with it almost to where his shoulders hit the ground as though a very high Ballet kick while that man still had gravity moving him laterally forward until the head and shoulders did hit the ground, hard and slid a couple of meters.

LeMat jog to the Perp; selector back to revolver as he stood over the perp.

“That was a fancy kick, you should take up the theater with a move like that.” He cocked the hammer as the large bore weapon had his head dead to rights. “Lose the hog leg or your … head.” He warned as the Perp scream in pain. “Bloody Hell, you are not even bleeding; it was a bean bag slug.” He shook his head. “The next one is real and all.”

The Perp took out his own weapon with two fingers; the end of the revolver had to resemble a small cannon from the guy flat on his back’s point of view.

LeMat smiled as he took the offered gun and put it in a pocket. “Nice Doggie, now roll over...” The man did as instructed. “Good boy.”

Quickly putting a knee in the man’s back and holstering the gun he took his cuffs and bound the man’s hands behind his back.

“That is a good lad.” LeMat complemented and half lifted the man up and had his gun out again. “You are worth more alive, a choice I am sure you will thank me for later?” He push the now limping man forward. “That leg will enjoy the steps, old rule: when chased by a Bounty Man, stay on one level as it is easier after you are caught.”

The two men had an appointment with a Constable or someone to ID the bounty.


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