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Preparing for the flood

Posted on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 @ 2:57am by Skyplex Administration Scarlett Wilson & Gill Anderson

Mission: Bright and Shiny things
Location: Security office - Deck Six
Timeline: Way too early in the morning

The security office was still showing some of the scars from the previous week, but everything was in order when Scarlett walked in, a stark vision in a tweed tight skirt and blazer framed by her cascading fiery hair. Her IDent card hung from a lanyard around her neck and she looked ready for business. She stepped up to dispatch desk, and momentarily paused to look at the exceptionally large Goldfish swimming in the bowl on the desk. Scarlett stared slightly enviously into it bulbous eyes as it swam about oblivious to the goings on about it.

"How you doing Trish?:Is he in yet?" Scarlett asked the receptionist.

"That," replied Trish with a glance towards Gill office door, "is a matter for debate."

Scarlett nodded knowingly. "I think thats how I normally feel. I just need him functional."

"I don't know the details but sounds like he had a rather late night and a rather long drink. I would tread lightly."

Scarlett walked behind the reception desk to the Marshal's office, she knocked gently on the door. "Rise and shine sleepy head!" she called in. "Insane day waiting for us!" she called in in the most chipper voice she could muster.

"Kill me!" croaked the voice of Gill from behind the door followed by the scrape of a chair and the sounds of soft cursing as he made his way across the room.

The door opened and Gill peered out at Scarlett with an apologetic smile. There were bags under his eyes, his skin was grey moving on to green and his hair looked like it had been dragged through a hedge backwards, "If you are here to tell me you've hired a new security firm I may need another drink... otherwise I am all yours."

Scarlett briefly scratched her chin with her center finger. "Guess I just got you then. Must have been one helluva night last night. Learn anything interesting?"

Gill swallowed hard to bite back the bile as he stepped out of his office, "Did I learn anything? Well let me see. Alcohol is evil and in the future I'll be sticking to water and a slice. Besides that not a whole lot. Probably not my best move the night before our big arrival and for that I apologise but the ghost of those Coolac goons needed exorcising and the quickest route to that seemed to be at the other end of a bottle of single malt."

"Pretty sure that little nightmare will stick with me for some time." Scarlett stated with a sigh. "Not sure my night was any better than yours, although I did manage to get one stack of papers moved into another.... and a bottle of whiskey gone on my part too. I'm so not ready for today, but here it is. I've got temps filling in the gaps for security around the lottery crowd. I got a message last night about one out standing citizen selling high priority positions in line. Nikoli Udinov. You might want to check in on that once you oversee line security. That shouldnt be a big deal, most folks in port arent gonna sit idlly by while people screw with their livelihood, so they should take care of themselves. I need you down at the dock on Deck 17 at 11:00 to greet our Blue Sun representative. Seems like pulling out all the brass is a good idea, even if its just you and me."

“Check and check.” Gill replied, “Look into this Nikoli character and then Deck 17 at 11:00 to kiss ass and shine shoes. All sound entirely doable once I’ve had...”

“Coffee.” Trish announced as she passed the steaming mug into his hand as he passed through the front office.

“Ah my guardian angel.” Gill gasped as he took a sip from the steaming black nectar.

“One for you mam?” Trish asked Scarlet, gesturing towards the fresh pot that stood bubbling in the corner. Gill leaned back on the nearby desk as he sipped back his drink.

"Oh God, yes!" Scarlett exclaimed. "Pretty sure I need a lot of that. Thank you Trish!" she turned towards Gill, "What's your experience working with Blue Sun? I mean we import a ton of their products, and these shipments put us in the Red for half a cycle, but I'm looking at entering am agreement with them that might change how we do things on the station."

Gill sipped on his coffee as he considered his answer carefully. "I'm no expert on the Blue Sun but two things I do know. If you get into bed with them they will bring credits into the station and make life a whole lot easier for a whole bunch of people, but..." another long sip from his mug, "If you take your eyes of them for even a moment you might suddenly find yourself owing so many favours that you may as well hand over the deeds to this station over to them and hope they keep you on the gorram staff rota. In short be smart and be careful."

Scarlett nodded at his description as she accepted a cup of fresh coffee form Trish. "Yeah, I got a feeling we will have to be on our toes. I've already had one bad decision this week, I've no desire to follow up on that with a bigger disaster." She took a sip from the cup. "Oh yeah, that's perfect. If you are feeling up to facing the world, I've got to get the volunteers set up and start pulling tickets for the lottery. Good luck with Nikolai down at Lucky .38. He can be a hand full if you aren't careful." Scarlett raised her cup of coffee to Trish and headed back into the fray.


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