Lords and Ladies Play Games
Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 7:54pm by Jacerelyn Ellylo
Bright and Shiny things
Location: Another Skyplex
Timeline: Flashback
“Lord Mirten,” Jacy bowed to the lean man before her, a bow from the knees and ankles that dipped her near the floor.
“Lady Ellylo,” Mirten returned with a curt nod of his head. “You may wait outside,” he told the officers and they were soon alone in the well lit quarters he had chartered aboard the Skyplex. He was - a nondescript man. He appeared to be in his forties, had brown hair combed and cut in a rather commonplace fashion. His clothes were neatly pressed, but not particularly lavish. He had the educated voice of a man who spoke for a living or had at one point when he still worked.
“You may call me Jacerelyn, if you prefer. Lady is something of an honorary title and I wish for you and I to find an honest interchange.” Jacy took a half step towards the man, but he held his hand up to halt her advance.
“Please remove your hat.”
Jacy reached up and slipped the white hat from her head. Mirten’s eyes briefly shifted to the table at her left and she laid the hat on its surface. Mirten took a step back and stirred a lazy finger in her direction. “All of it,” he instructed.
It was nothing new; it was not treatment or behaviour Jacy was unfamiliar with. She smiled at the client and went about the art of disrobing. Stripping ones clothes off was an act, but Jacy disrobing was an art. Only, Mirten did not appear to be enjoying any of it. He retrieved an electronic wand of sorts from the table and crossed his arms, waiting for Jacy to finish, which at that point she moved right along. When she’d lain her clothes atop the table and stood their naked, Mirten proceeded to run the wand the length of her body in a very professional, detached manner. “Open, please,” and Jacy opened her mouth for his inspection. Then he collected her clothes and trunk and moved towards the door. “There is a robe in the next room. Put it on and wait for me.” He watched Jacy pad into the next room then he opened the door and handed her clothing to the Alliance officer stationed outside. “Check them.” The officer nodded and took the trunk with him to a separate room across the hall, while the second officer resumed his post at the door.
Mirten scooped up two glasses from the bar and a bottle of brown liquor then joined Jacy in the next room. “We will get started as soon as my men verify your candor.” He sat on the edge of the bed and began pouring two drinks. “Please close the door, then join me.”
Jacy did as she was directed, unphased by the terse behavior of her client. Mirten was already telling her quite a bit, and they hadn’t even started talking. The blonde’s perfect ass disappeared from view as the door closed softly.
Lady Ellylo and Lord Mirten may have gotten off to a very rigid start, but the stoic man was much softened by the end of Jacy’s visit. He had even offered to escort her back to her ship, but she advised him her visit would be most impactful by letting her be seen leaving his quarters alone then him showing his temperate side shortly after. It was best that others view his revised nature as being the result of introspection and self improvement, not acumen from the lips of a companion. As it was, the two of them had been seen together numerous times over the past two days, and Jacy went out of her way, surreptitiously of course, to make sure everyone knew Lord Mirten was with a companion. And her own reputation was better served if the public thought she left her clients thoroughly exhausted and temporarily incapable of walking. In the end, the common man would still measure her as a woman who engaged in promiscuous sex for money and she would do whatever was required to score high marks.
So in the afternoon of the third day on the Skyplex, Jacerelyn Ellylo returned to the ship, accompanied by the same two Alliance officers, though their disposition was much improved. The three of them shared a laugh at some remark and a third man, hardly more than a boy, followed with her trunk and two other pieces of luggage; new and full of gifts, souvenirs, clothes or whatever physical assets passed into her possession. Gone were the purple highlights of her original outfit and none seemed to have taken notice of her current color scheme, that being soft browns in suede and leather. At the ramp to the ship, the Alliance officers deposited her bags and offered a crisp salute which she just found delightful. She did her best to mimic their formal act, but with the handles of bags hanging in the bends of her elbows, it was not an easy act. They didn’t seem to mind so little or expect so much and with a quick farewell, they were on their way.
Jacy turned and looked at the chair, umbrella and sign. Riley’s posting. It was too bad Riley wasn’t at hand, she would have gotten a real thrill out of watching the Alliance...well on second thought - Riley probably didn’t get a real thrill out of anything, and certainly not a special act of respect paid to a civilian whore.