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Morning Fanfare

Posted on Thu Jan 2nd, 2020 @ 7:30pm by Skyplex Administration Scarlett Wilson
Edited on on Thu Jan 2nd, 2020 @ 7:31pm

Mission: Bright and Shiny things
Location: Dockmaster's Office
Timeline: Morning

"Wakey wakey sleepy head." a distance voice called out as Scarlett felt something nudging her backside. The bitter scent of coffee filled her senses as she fought to open her eyes coming to focus on the large steaming mug sitting next to her on the floor. Another night spent sleeping on the office floor. Scarlett shook her head trying to gather her wits. "You've got 90 minutes til docking procedures start. I've got a meeting set with the Marshal to go over last minute details with you in 30 minutes. There's a long queue of folks on three waiting on lottery results. Volunteer deployment starts also in 30 minutes. So we are a bit shorthanded... as expected. Maintenance reported they got the root of the heating problem on six, seems some idiot messed with the environmental controls. But everything is set to a comfortable temperature now." Moira quickly rattled off the situation report as Scarlett sipped her coffee giving the overly energetic woman a nasty look.

She slowly stood up and looked around the office. She pointed with the hand not holding the coffee. "Approved docking forms... there." she wandered about the stacks of papers. "Permits to sell... there. Medical clearance for foodstuffs there..." Moira quickly moved to piles she pointed at and picked them up. "I'm on these boss. It's gonna be a great day!" Scarlett rolled her eyes and gave her assistant a dismissive wave.

When the door closed Scarlett leaned against the wall with her mug of coffee and let herself breathe for a moment. She wasn't ready for this. Her eyes caught on the flannel shirt sleeve holding the coffee. "Go Shi!" wearing the same clothes from yesterday that she uncomfortably slept on the floor in just wouldn't do today. She put the mug down on her desk and proceeded to pull the flannel and her t-shirt off in one movement. She opened up the office closet where she kept several extra pairs of fresh clothes and a hamper for the not so fresh ones. She tossed her shirts in the bin and started looking for something acceptable to wear. Hooking the hangers of her more official looking outfit on the top of the closet door he opened the file cabinet to pull out a spare bra she stashed. She mentally reminded herself to get a shower added to the office as she quickly switched out her undergarments.

The door suddenly swung open, "Boss, I need your approval on these fuel receipts." Moira called out followed by two dock workers. "Tian Shia!" Scarlett called out quickly ducking behind the closet door. "I'll get them in a minute!" Moira quickly backed the two workers out the door. "Sorry about that boss!" The door slammed shut.

Scarlett finished harnessing her bra on then proceeded to climb into her monkey suit, much more fitting of the title administrator, a sharp looking blazer and skirt in a tight tweed pattern. She looked at herself in the mirror hanging in the closet. God, she was a mess. Her formal attire set, she proceeded to run a brush through her stubborn hair. If she had time stopping at JPs for a professional make up job would be preferred, but she didn't have time. Minimalist would have to do.

After a few minutes she opened the door to the reception area. "Gimme the receipts." Moira brought the tablet with the fuel bills to her. She brushed back a lock of red hair form her eyes and skimmed the document. "Cool." she stated signing her signature on the tablet. She handed the tablet to one of the dock workers. "Hope you all enjoyed the show. Keep folks happy out there. Good luck." The worker took the tablet and gave her a nod of acknowledgement and headed out the door. "Where are my good shoes?" Scarlett asked. "Bottom cabinet under miscellaneous accessories." Moira fired back. Scarlett snapped her finger "That's the one." and turned back into her office. "Where the hell's the Marshal?!" she called out. "You're scheduled to be in his office. you've got 12 minutes. "Go shi." Scarlett again exclaimed wedging her feet into her formal shoes. "Did I mention I hate heels?" she stated to Moira as she awkwardly walked out the office door. "You got this Ma'am. Good luck!" Moira called to her as she left.


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