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Lost and Found

Posted on Thu Dec 12th, 2019 @ 10:30pm by Plexie Natalya Petrovich & Gill Anderson

Mission: Opening Shop
Location: Deck 3: Donut Czar Us
Timeline: 10.30am

(Prior to Anderson's meeting with the CDF)

Gill made his way back to the Donut store at a slower pace. He wasn't sure when and where he had managed to drop his jacket but he saw no sign of it as he neared the start of his recent chase. Truth be told he hated the grey leather monstrosity with its purple lapels and chafing collar, which was why it spent much of its time slung over his shoulder or discarded on a nearby chair. That said if it was lost it would mean paperwork and his continued existence here on Green Leaf was largely dependant on him drawing as little attention as possible.

There was also the picture. Stuffed into the inner pocket was a picture of his sister and he wanted that back. Not only was it the only picture he had, in the wrong hands it could also cause him a world of unwanted trouble. Safe to say Haddie Anderson had chosen a very different path in life to her big brother. He wondered absently what she was doing with herself now as he came to a halt outside of the Donut store.

"Jao gao!" where the hell had he dropped it?


Stashing the pack of smokes away in her bag, Natalya smiled as the thought about the little mei mei. It took a good something special to not only swipe from the dockmaster, but to do so right in front of Marshall Anderson? Such was either pure awesomeness or utterly stupid. It would really all depend on the outcome. But thanks to the little conversation the two grown-ups had in front of her, Natalya now knew about the cameras. Or rather...the lack there of. Just wait until she shared that news.

The only odd thing was the photograph she found tucked away nice and secretly in an inside pocket. 20.193.47 Don’t be a stranger... Haddie.xx

Now, that was interesting. Why in the gorram hell was the Marshall carrying around this photograph? Was this his sister? An old girlfriend? Wife? Natalya didn’t want to be too suspicious, so she quickly scanned the photo before returning it to where she’d found it and then tossed the jacket in under the counter. If’n he came back or not, he’d get it back. Eventually.

The door opened and who should enter. Gill looked around the place before settling his eyes on the girl. He gave an exasperated smile and strode over to where she stood.

"Jacket." he managed, still a little flustered from his run. "Looks like I dropped my jacket chasing he the scoundrel, don't suppose anyone handed it in?"

As the bell above the door jingled, Natalya tossed an annoyed blue gaze over to land on the Marshall. She fought the smirk that wanted to play on her lips and instead blew another bubble with the gum. Her hands braced against the counter, holding her weight as she slid her gaze over to where the jacket rested. Did she give it to him now? Did she say she hadn’t seen it and then return it later with the impression that someone had turned it in?

“Fang Xin, Marshall Anderson.” Natalya pushed away from the counter, walked the short steps over to the other side of the counter and pulled the jacket from underneath. “Someone brought it in. Ain’t that shiny-like?” She handed the jacket out over the counter, a practiced, fake smile on her lips.

"You!" he exclaimed taking the jacket, "are an angel." he quickly checked the pockets. Smokes were gone... ah well he was trying to cut back anyway and... "Xie xie." he whispered under his breath as his hand fell on the photo.

"Thank you." he said out loud focusing to read the name badge on the girls uniform, "Nat."

He glanced up at the counter, "You know while I am here I might grab a few donuts and a fresh coffee. Please." he offered his most winning smile, knowing it would do him no good owing to the Alliance badge on his belt. Oh well it didn't hurt to try.

Natalya wasn’t quite sure if she liked the Marshall calling her an angel or not. But then again, being on the good side of the Alliance Marshal even for just a little bit, couldn’t be a bad thing. Not when she had already started concocting plans for later. Given the camera situations and all. Her blue eyes were curious as they watched him investigate his jacket, noting what seemed to be relief as he found the only thing she’d left inside it.

She nodded once, moved over to grab a fresh cup, filling it with the steaming coffee before turning and placing it on the counter top. “How many? Glazed or filled?” What gets you outta here faster? Though that one she kept to herself.

"Oh er do me a mix." he reached into his pocket and threw more than enough credits on the counter, "And keep the rest as a thank you. For the jacket."

ooc: Fang Xin - Don't worry.
Xie xie - Thanks


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