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Checking in.

Posted on Sun Dec 8th, 2019 @ 11:19pm by Skyplex Administration Scarlett Wilson

Mission: Opening Shop
Location: Administrators Office
Timeline: Current

Daytona Savage and three of his Coolac Defence Force (CDF) men, stepped into the lift to take them up to the Administration area. He didn't really need the three to accompany him, but that was how it was done on their home planet of Coolac. He'd settled his mate Teresina or Sin as she preferred into her double size shop on level 2, leaving her with more of the CDF men, ignoring the fact that she herself was CDF, because that was how he wanted it. Then had gone to the security area and left more of his CDF men, to start to adjust modify and put the area to the way he wanted it, and to secure the armoury before they moved the weapons they'd brought with them to the armoury. Now he was reporting in to the complex administrator. It didn't look like he was doing much but he was paying attention every step of the way. Finding the Administrator's domain he hit the chime. He knew his presence was drawing attention, dressed in camouflage as he was and carrying a rifle over his shoulder several holsters holding various different pistols, and a collection of blades, with two days growth on his face, and matching camouflage gloves on his hands with camouflage boots on his feet and a camouflage beret on his head. He appeared to be paying little attention to those in the area, but was seeing everything.

Stone & Storm Savage, two of his brothers, dressed the same stood a step away from him, separating him from the civilians.

"Appears they've never seen mercs before." Storm stated his voice low, his communications gear around his neck.

"Since when is CDF a merc unit?" Stone asked.

"It's not. Coolac Council offered them CDF services. They took it. We're CDF." Daytona answered.

The door opened to the Administrators office. Ahead of them was a well kept and clean reception area with a couch and several comfortable chairs arrange across from the main desk. Several tasteful pieces of art adorned the main walls, and a collage of distinctly inferior works bearing a sign stating they cam courtesy of the Greenleaf Education Center. A dark haired woman in her early 30s wearing a stylish professional blouse and skirt stepped up to the desk The gentlemen at the door were not exactly standard in appearance for a Skyplex. Their arrangement of weapons was equally out of place. The woman looked the group over, keeping her finger on the security call switch under the desk. "Looks like the Army is in. How can I help you fellahs?"

She didn't look like a person who would be in the Administrator's position. But this was not Coolac. And he'd never been called a fellah before either. He'd tan Sin's hide if she started calling him that. "I wouldn't bother calling for security you'll only get more of the same. I'm Daytona Savage, your Chief of Security. Someone negotiated with Coolac to get a unit of CDF men to handle your security issues. We're the advance party. Your complex has holes in it's security systems. I aim to close them. If you've got problems, take it up with the Coolac Council."

The woman looked the new security chief up and down in his paramilitary get up. "Times have changed it appears. Welcome to Greenleaf Skyplex Chief... Savage was it? I feel more secure already." she said with a slight smile. "My guess is y'all are wanting to check in with the Administrator since they sign your checks and all. Hold on a minute." she walked over to a cortex unit. "There is a detachment of your new security group here to see you. That's right, a detachment. Yes, I',m pretty sure they know the war is over. Might want to come on by. Shiny. Out." she put down the cortex unit and turned her attention back tot he men in the office. "The Administrator will be with you shortly. Y'all can make yerselves comfortable for a minute." She gestured towards the couch and chairs across the room from her.

Storm and Stone didn't have to look at Daytona's face to know what he was thinking. Detachment? There was nothing showing on their faces, but it was clear the woman had no idea of military terms.

Daytona wanted to lift her and shake her until she rattled. Shoot her. Skin her alive and enjoy every scream she made. He had to remember they were not on Coolac. A CDF male did not sit unless it was on their turf or when they were off duty. So he said nothing and they did not sit, they remained standing.

And stand they did. Minutes passed by. The woman tried to look busy behind her computer screen, but she kept an eye towards the men standing in the reception area. "Y'all sure you wouldn't like some water to drink or something?"

After a bit, a tall young woman in jeans and a rather artistic T-shirt came in the door behind them. She paused for a moment, taking in the room filled with camouflage clad men with rifles. "Wow, she wasn't lying." she said mostly to herself brushing back her long flame red hair. Gauging by the men who the one most likely in charge was she walked up to Daytona and extended her hand. "Welcome to Greenleaf Skyplex Chief Savage. I am Dockmaster and Administrator Scarlett Newman Wilson. I've been looking forward to your arrival. Your services came highly recommended." she said with professional confidence.

Daytona took her hand and shook it, at least this one appeared a bit more suitable as an administrator. He didn't raise an eyebrow re her comment on she wasn't lying. He also didn't correct her that it was Colonel not Chief. "According to my orders from the Coolac Council, you'll be getting my full company, and each of the men have mates, some of whom will no doubt follow my mate and lease retail shops. I'm advised that the council has leased housing space, though that information was missing from my orders. Coolac is preparing a number of transporters containing a variety of goods to increase your supplies. You understand that your security will be handled how I see fit as ranking officer. No doubt there will be complaints. All CDF personnel are armed at all times, and my men will be operating as per my orders. There will be an adjustment period. I'm advising you that should the need arise to shoot someone, it will happen."

Scarlet clearly listened to Daytona's declaration. She allowed the security chief to finish. "Indeed Chief Savage, there will be an adjustment period. I am fine with you operating your personnel as you see fit, but please keep in mind, this station is subject to laws of the Alliance of Planets, you work by their rules, not your own, or that of Coolac. The Council and I have a solid understanding that you and your men are to be subordinate to my direction and the orders of the Alliance Marshal. I will also advise you that unlawful or excessive use of force on the residents or visitors to the station will not be tolerated. This is a functioning merchant station. Your skills are for the protection and betterment of the residents you serve. Coolac assured us of your compliance. Now, if we understand each other, I would be interested in discussing your plans for safeguarding the supplies arriving later this week.

Blue Sun will be depositing 147,000 tons of supplies, sundries and goods to be distributed to this quadrant of the Rim. There will be several thousand spacers in port in the coming days looking to make deals to buy and sell goods for transport back to the Core. I am charging you with the safety of this station and all persons doing legitimate business. I agree, your men should be armed, but the heavy weaponry such as you are carrying at the moment should only be used in sensitive parts of the station. The appearance of a military presence will not be conducive to normal trade. I would recommend side arms and nonlethal arms only on decks above level six, although I would like several control fortifications around the docking ring. I am eager to hear about your strategy."

"I'm fully aware of the agreement and we'll operate accordingly. However the weapons we carry are not considered excessive, they are able to use both lethal and non lethal loads and will be carried by my men. We have ships inbound to guard the Blue Sun itself, and deliver additional personnel. We will be placing CDF personnel on the Blue Sun during their stay. Additional CDF personnel will be placed at the customs point and we will be setting up manned stations on all levels of the station. Areas they you do not wish to have traders, will have extra CDF. Our handlers will be active. All retail establishments will be advised of our presence and should they need assistance they will receive it. We will be an invisible force unless it necessary to become otherwise. Anyone with legit business will be able to conduct that business without impediment. Illegal activities will be dealt with accordingly. We do not shoot people for minor infractions and will operate as per the Alliance. The wearing of our standard gear should cut the number of low key minor thefts, there will be some who will be willing to test us out, that is only normal."

Scarlett Nodded. "Very well. I will certainly yield to your experience in these matters. I can't guarantee access to a Blue Sun Hauler, but we can try and convince their captain of our good intentions. They tend to do things their way. With a little luck everyone visiting the station will behave themselves and not have to test your men's resolve. I am excited to see the improvements your tactics make. A more conducive environment for commerce will please everyone. Welcome to the Skyplex Chief Savage. I am glad you are here."

Daytona gave her a single nod of his head. "The rest of my company will arrive tomorrow, with their mates. You should consider advising your customs people." He shook her hand, turned on his heel and heading for the door, Storm and Stone taking up their positions silently totally ignoring the Administrator.

Scarlett watched as the soldiers left. "uh... bye." she muttered as they went out the door. She wasn't a soldier, and while she appreciated some of what they did, she was not one for overly regimented regulations. She turned to Moira. "Interesting new neighbors we got. Hope this isn't a mistake." Moira nodded, "Yes ma'am. Not sure I like them here, but didn't mind watching them leave." Scarlett shook her head. "You are incorrigible." Scarlett called back with a wink as she wheeled into her office and shut the door.


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