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Posted on Sat Dec 7th, 2019 @ 2:28am by

Mission: Opening Shop
Location: Docking Station
Timeline: Current

Teresina should be used to it by now, but there was just something about stand or sitting off to the side, why her mate's men unloaded his things, his work things, her work things and her things. Dressed in the standard attire for Coolac woman, a gown of black and silver which went below her knees, down to her knee high boots, with a hood that covered her head, and a mouth and nose guard or mask, which left only her eyes visible. He knew there was no way she could work in this outfit, which is why she had others, but this was the main one, the black & silver colouring indicating that she was mated and unavailable to any other male. Touch at your own risk.

"Your brothers will be acting as security for you."

She knew it was better to keep her mouth shut and not bother to argue. Coolac, their home planet was a male dominated domain, so she rolled her eyes instead. The last thing that Teresina or Sin wanted was her brothers to be constantly watching what she did, or his brothers for that matter.

Daytona watched her eyes roll and had to stop himself from grinning. "And I don't want to investigate any accidents."

"Then you should issue them with instructions to watch from afar." Sin suggested. "When you're working with melted metals things happen."

"They aren't there to stop you from working. They are there to stop trouble with undesirables."

"Those undesirables pay big. If they choose to use those weapons in your territory, that's your issue." Sin whispered quietly Coolac women did not argue with their mates when they weren't in private. "BW has a tavern and a shop here, how long do you think it will be before she hears we're here?"

Daytona slid his gloved hand around her wrist and pulled her closer until her body was plastered against his. He lifted one hand and undid one side of her mouth and nose covering, his mouth a fraction from hers. "Whoever I've assigned goes where you go when you are not in my presence. They know it. You know it. Nothing has changed other than we are not on Coolac."

Sin stood on the tips of her boots. Her voice a slight whisper. "So whomever you've assigned comes with me to get a Brazilian? and the other hair removed?" Sin couldn't help but grin when he growled. "Your rules."

"They will check the room, and wait outside. No one but you and the female tech will be inside." He returned the guard over her mouth and nose. "They will accompany you and your things to your shop. Until the additional security has been installed, occupy yourself there."

Chief of Security Daytona Savage
Mrs Savage Weapons Smith & Blacksmith


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